The NBA invited me to attend the NBA Crossover exhibition to work on an illustration live on stage whilst talking through my work process and answering questions from the crowd. I was privileged to be the only illustrator on stage and I got to hang out with some legends and celebrities from the basketball world. Some of my work was also on display, including the illustrations below of NBA superstars Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, James Harden and Giannis Antetokounmpoto.

NBA Crossover Illustrations by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Lebron James Illustration by Chris Rathbone
Dwyane Wade Miami Heat Illustrations by Chris Rathbone
Giannis Antetokounmpoto Illustrations by Chris Rathbone
Dwyane Wade Miami Heat Illustrations by Chris Rathbone
Giannis Antetokounmpoto Illustrations by Chris Rathbone